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LAPES 2022


Movements, Solidarity, and Disobedience for New Worlds
University of Washington + Online
June 3-4, 2022

Speakers and Participants:

Videos coming soon!

Feminism is insurgent across the Americas and the Caribbean. In the last five years, a tidal wave of love and rage has again given voice to long-stifled cries against femicide, domestic violence, forced reproduction, and economic exploitation. A raft of feminist collectives have emerged across regions, laying the foundation for new and amplified strategies against racial capitalism, religious misogyny, ecoterrorist extractivism, and the alibis of heteropatriarchal states. These movements recognize how these interlocking systems of oppression coerce and subjugate women, LGBTQIA+, communities of color, Indigenous people, poor and working class communities, among others. This salutary turn has birthed massive mobilizations. They go by different names— NiUnaMenos, mayo feminista, even #MeToo— but they are part of one feminist international (Verónica Gago & Liz Mason-Deese). LAPES 2022 seeks to contribute to this feminist international a space of encounter and reflection on the practices that will allow these movements to adapt and expand. In other words, the symposium will, to borrow from Karen Barad, “de(con)struct” feminist teaching and learning practices.

Inspired by these movements, LAPES 2022 brings together activists, educators, scholars, and community organizers to share their work and offer provocations for thinking across entangled struggles for decolonization and co-liberation. While the symposium will focus broadly on Latin American and Caribbean feminisms, the aim is to emphasize the pedagogías feministas that emerge from these distinct but connected contexts, and to nurture South-North/North-South solidarities. At the same time, the symposium is itself an educational environment for sharing feminist pedagogical theory and practice within and beyond educational institutions and social movement spaces.


In calling into being this educational encounter, we are guided by a host of questions. Some, but not all, of the questions that motivate our encounter and inquiry include: 


  • What are pedagogías feministas?

  • How do feminist movements exercise pedagogical agency?  

  • Why are pedagogías feministas necessary to address current struggles for justice and liberation?

  • What lessons do feminist activists and scholars offer about challenging state power, racial capitalism, neoliberal ideology and practice? 

  • How do pedagogías feministas stimulate “feminist modes of disobedience” in and outside educational institutions? 

  • How do pedagogías feministas resist the environmental crisis? 

  • How do pedagogías feministas differ from, or build upon and advance, other forms of critical pedagogy? 

  • How do Latin American feminisms of recent years complement and differ from women of color feminisms and other strains of feminism within and beyond the region?

  • How can pedagogías feministas transform our ways of relating to each other?

  • After this exchange, how do we imagine different worlds through feminist pedagogies?


Sponsored by the University of Washington College of Education, the Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Policy area at the UW College of Education, Bucknell University, and West Chester University. In-kind sponsorship by the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (UW Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies) and the UW Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies. We thank our sponsors for their generosity. 

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