Schooling in Latin America:
Reproduction, Resistance, Revolution
for contributors
LÁPIZ uses a modified version of The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition) "Notes and Bibliography" system (not the "Author-Date" system). The only modification is that LAPES does not require a bibliography at the end of the text.
In this system, sources are cited in numbered footnotes (not endnotes). Each note corresponds to a raised (superscript) number in the text. The first time a work is cited, include a full note along with a page number, unless you are citing the entire book. All subsequent citations should follow the short note format. Below you will find examples of common types of cited works. For more details and examples, see chapter 14 of The Chicago Manual of Style or past issues of LÁPIZ.
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Review Policy and Procedure
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As an open access journal, LÁPIZ uses the CreativeCommons BY (CC BY) license.
Attribution (CC BY) licenses any member of the public to carry out unlimited free redistribution of copies of a work, including for commercial purposes, and to alter and otherwise create derivatives of that work. The only requirement it imposes on the licensee is that he or she give appropriate credit (hence the “by” in CC BY) to the author/copyright owner of the original work.
Under this license, authors retain full rights to their texts at the same tiemblos that they are granted the widest of possible circulations. We ask each author who publishes in LÁPIZ to consent to our publication contract, accessible here.