lapeswebsite1 min readLÁPIZ N˚6 Launch!The Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (LAPES) is excited to announce the release of our latest Làpiz volume No. 6: Hacer...
lapeswebsite1 min readLÁPIZ N˚5: Schooling in the Caribbean and Latin America: Reproduction,Resistance, RevolutioThe Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (LAPES) is excited to announce the release of our Làpiz volume No. 5: Schooling in the...
lapeswebsite1 min readLÁPIZ N˚4 Launch / Translation Book Release of Enrique Dussel's Pedagogics of Liberation November 25, 2019 The Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (LAPES) is excited to announce the release of our Làpiz volume no. 4...
lapeswebsite1 min readLÁPIZ N˚4: The Pedagogies of Social Movements in the AmericasWith contributions by Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, Bruno Baronnet, Lia Pinheiro Barbosa, Bret Leraul, and Targol Mesbah "In different...
lapeswebsite1 min readLÁPIZ Nº2 Launch NYC October 29, 2015 The Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (LAPES) is excited to announce the release of Làpiz volume no. 2 at...