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Learning Across Liberation Theologies​


October 16-17, 23-24, 2020. 6-8PM (EST)

The Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (LAPES) hosted a 4-day online symposium, Learning Across Liberation Theologies, to explore the links between liberation theology, pedagogy, and activism. The symposium gathered front-line educators, movement organizers, and practitioners and scholars of Liberation Theology to address these themes.

Keynote Speakers: Mark L. Taylor (Princeton Theological Seminary), Sylvia Marcos (UNAM), and Chris Tirres (DePaul University)

Oct. 16: Sanctuary Movements

Oct. 17: Liberation Theologies in Classrooms

Oct. 23: Caribbean/Latin American Liberation Theologies

Oct. 24: Black Radical Tradition

Please register for this free event:

Sponsored by The Rutgers Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement.

The Symposium organizers also wish to thank ​The Rutgers Program in Comparative Literature, DePaul University, and West Chester University.


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